Wednesday, April 30, 2008

iPod as Teacher

In the article iPod as Teacher, the author tells us about the use of iPods for training new employees at Pal's Sudden Service. Pal's is a Tennessee-based regional burger chain. They have more than 650 employees who require 120 hours of on-the-job training before they can start working. Pal's was approached by TJ Schier, the founder of podTraining to try out iPods as an additional training tool. Shortly after, Pal's integrated 30GB iPods into their training process. The videos feature short bursts of information at four minutes or less on each subject. They have a four step training method: tell, show, practice, and coach. Regular training without the iPods was inconsistent from one restaurant to another because each location took a different approach to training their new employees. Employees are able to finish training in 13 days instead of the usual 3 weeks without the iPod. Since the introduction of the iPod in the training method, there has been a lower rate of mistakes and a double-digit growth in sales. Turnover averages 91% for employees and 4% for assistant managers. Pal's had expected to reach payback for the 200 iPods they bought within 12 -15 months but actually earned it all back within 6 months. Pal's has also implemented iPod training for managers to refresh them on strategic planning, sales projections, and expense projections. Pal's was the first organization to recieve the Tennessee Excellence Award twice .

I thought that this article was pretty interesting. I had never thought about using iPods to train new employees. I had heard of professors putting their lectures on iTunes as Podcasts so that their students could download them and listen to them on their iPods. I think the use of iPods for training is a great idea especially if it brings greater turnover rates for employees and the restaurant itself. It also seems like its a good idea because it allows employees to go through the training process faster than the traditional way. I am interested in seeing how exactly the iPod works for training. I want to know if with the iPod, the employees are still required to do on the job training or if they just listen and watch the iPod and are good to go.

(2007, April 1) iPod as Teacher. Hospitality Technology.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hi-Touch vs. Hi-Tech

In the article High Touch vs. High Tech the author tells us about a new restaurant, uWink Media Bistro. The restaurant has tables that have touch screens to order your food instead of having a waiter come to the table to take your order. A food runner delivers your food to your table and there is a “host” who goes around making sure that guests aren’t having any troubles with the touch screens. The screens also allow guests to play games with other tables in the restaurant. The concept was founded by Nolan Bushnell who is the founder of Chuck E. Cheese. The restaurant is located in Las Angeles and opened in 2006. The target audience is women ages 21-35.

The author believes that the concept is a great idea but also thinks that it may be taking self service too far. It doesn’t allow for guests to ask a waiter what they suggest or even any way of customer service. Many people go out to eat to be served without having to do any work and reward the server with a tip if they have good service. This touch screen restaurant first eliminates the need for waiters and second the need for guests to tip. The hospitality field is considered a customer service industry but when the jobs are taken over by touch screens, the guest-server interaction is completely removed. Are people willing to give up the customer service for self-service?

I found this article interesting because I am very into how the hospitality industry is becoming more and more about self-service and not customer service. I think the whole idea of touch screens at the table to order your food is great for quick service restaurants but I don’t think they are a good idea for family style, sit down restaurants that would normally have waiters. The whole idea of having waiters is so that guests can relax and not have to do anything themselves. Also without the waiters, guests can’t get recommendations about what is good and what isn’t. The idea of being able to connect with other tables to play games is a great idea for kids because they can get very restless while waiting for their food. I can understand that some people would find this idea great because they don’t like to be bothered every five minutes by someone asking if their meal is good or if they need anything but at the same time, do you have to touch something on the screen when you need something and sit and wait until the “host” can come assist you? I would just find that annoying. I feel that the hospitality industry is starting to rely too much on self service and technology and soon will be taken over by technology in the future leaving many people without jobs.

(2007, March 1) Hi-Touch vs. Hi-Tech. Hospitality Technology.